Finland Suomi poster map 1949

Finland Suomi poster map 1949 original poster
This is a genuine vintage poster titled "Finland Suomi poster map 1949" designed by an anonymous artist.
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Country: Finland
Decade: 1940
Dimensions:84 x 48 cm (34 x 19.75 in.)
Condition: Very good | | B +
Publisher:Suomalaisenkirjall Suuden Sauran Kirjapainon
Printed by:Kustannusosakeyhtio Kivi Helsinki 1949
Category: Travel

Great original vintage travel poster depicting a map showing attractions all over Finland. Lots of great details. From Pallastunturi and Rovaniemi in the north to Hanko and Helsinki in the south. You don’t get tired of watching it. A very rare and popularposter.

Would look great on the wall.

This is an Authentic Original Vintage Poster from its time. It's not a new reproduction.
USD$ 725

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