Indonesia Macassar and Buginese Vessels

Sold Indonesia Macassar and Buginese Vessels original poster
This is a genuine vintage poster titled "Indonesia Macassar and Buginese Vessels" designed by an anonymous artist.
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Country: Other
Decade: 1950
Dimensions:100.0 x 68.0 cm | 39.370078740000004 x 26.7716535432 inches
Condition: Very good | | B +
Publisher:Published by the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Indonesia
Category: Travel

This original vintage travel poster promoting travels to Indonesia depicting two Pinisi sailboats at sea with dramatic clouds on the horizon. The term pinisi refers to the standing gaff-ketch sailing rig which evolved over the 19th and 20th centuries. 

Pinisi development was a combination of Indigenous and European influences.  Originally small craft of about 15 to 20 tons, the term now applies to modern timber motor-sailers of several hundred tons built in the Bugis and Makassan traditions.

UNESCO designated Pinisi boat-building art as Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity at the 12th Session of the Unique Cultural Heritage Committee on Dec 7, 2017.

In very good condition.

This is an Authentic Original Vintage Poster from its time. It's not a new reproduction.
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