Alexander Kielland samlede verker

Alexander Kielland samlede verker original poster
This is a genuine vintage poster titled "Alexander Kielland samlede verker" designed by an anonymous artist.
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Country: Norway
Decade: 1940
Dimensions:100.0 x 70.0 cm | 39.370078740000004 x 27.559055118 inches
Condition: Almost good | | B -
Publisher:Gyldendal Norsk Forlag
Printed by:Emil Moestue
Category: Product / Other

This is an original vintage poster promoting the 100 year edition of the collected works of Alexander Kielland. The edition consists of 12 volumes, with a new volume released every month for a price of NOK 12. Each volume is bound with leather on the back.

Alexander Lange Kielland was a Norwegian realistic writer of the 19th century. He is one of the so-called "The Four Greats" of Norwegian literature, along with Henrik Ibsen, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson and Jonas Lie.

The collected works include some of Kielland's most famous works such as "Gift" ("Poison"), "Skipper Worse," and "Garman and Worse." This edition was released in 1949, marking the 100 year anniversary of Kielland's birth.

The poster is in almost good condition, with wrinkles but bright colors and only wear around the edges.

This is an Authentic Original Vintage Poster from its time. It's not a new reproduction.

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