Bondepartiet skattelettelser

Bondepartiet skattelettelser original poster
This is a genuine vintage poster titled "Bondepartiet skattelettelser" designed by an anonymous artist.
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Country: Norway
Decade: 1940
Dimensions:48.0 x 32.7 cm | 18.8976377952 x 12.87401574798 inches
Condition: Excellent | | A -
Printed by:Pedersen Lito
Category: Product / Other

This original vintage poster, issued by Bondepartiet for the Norwegian Elections in the late 1940s, bears a message in Norwegian:

"60øre av hver krone går til skatt og avgifter. Skatte-lettelser, det største gode vi kan gi folket idag mener Bondepartiet."

In English, the text translates to:

"60 øre of every krone goes to taxes and duties. Tax reductions, the greatest benefit we can provide the people today, according to the Farmers' Party."

Preserved in excellent condition, this poster remains a compelling historical artifact from the late 1940s, reflecting the political discourse surrounding tax policies during that era.

This is an Authentic Original Vintage Poster from its time. It's not a new reproduction.
USD$ 100

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