Designer: | Annons Svea |
Country: | Sweden |
Decade: | 1950 |
Year: | 1950 |
Dimensions: | 100 x 70 cm | 39.37 x 27.56 inches |
Condition: | Very good/excellent | | A-/B+ |
Publisher: | Sveriges Nykterhetsvänners Landsförbund |
Printed by: | J. Olséns Lito, STHLM |
Category: |
Food/Drink/Smoke Product / Other |
This original vintage poster celebrates the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Lutheran priest Peter Wieselgren, the founder of the Swedish temperance movement.
Swedish text: "Han tände en hänförelsens eld mot supseden - Peter Wieselgren," which translates to "He ignited a fire of enthusiasm against intemperance - Peter Wieselgren."
The poster features great blue and yellow colors and is in excellent condition, with just a minor tear at the top. This poster pays homage to Peter Wieselgren's significant contribution to the temperance movement in Sweden, highlighting his efforts to combat excessive alcohol consumption.