1956 Internationella Skogsutställningen i Stockholm

1956 Internationella Skogsutställningen i Stockholm original poster designed by Burman, Fale (1913-1970)
This is a genuine vintage poster titled "1956 Internationella Skogsutställningen i Stockholm" designed by Burman, Fale (1913-1970).
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Designer: Burman, Fale (1913-1970)
Country: Sweden
Decade: 1950
Dimensions:100.0 x 70.0 cm | 39.370078740000004 x 27.559055118 inches
Condition: Mint | | A
Publisher:Stiftelsen Skogsveckan
Category: Fairs/Exhibitions
Product / Other

This is a great original vintage poster designed by the designer, writer, and optician Fale Burman in 1956 to promote the "Internationella Skogsutställningen i Stockholm" (International Forestry Exhibition in Stockholm).

The poster features a very stylish design of a Scandinavian pine tree, half green and half yellow, with a purple rotating saw "attacking" the yellow side of the tree, leaving a trail of sawdust. The design is complemented by yellow lettering on a dark blue background.

The forest exhibition was held at the venue S:t Eriks-Mässan, just north of Lidingövägen on Storängsbotten. Notably, it was the first international forest exhibition in the world.

The poster is in excellent condition. A lovely example of 1950s design that would make a striking addition to any wall.

This is an Authentic Original Vintage Poster from its time. It's not a new reproduction.
USD$ 350

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