Designer: | Högerstad? |
Country: | Sweden |
Decade: | 1940 |
Year: | 1943 |
Dimensions: | 100 x 70 cm | 39.37 x 27.56 inches |
Condition: | Excellent | | A - |
Publisher: | Stockholms-Tidningen |
Printed by: | J. Olsén Litografiska Anstalt, STHLM |
Category: |
Product / Other |
This is a wonderful and authentic original poster issued in 1943 to promote "Riksskyttetävling 6. juni," sponsored by "Stockholms-Tidningen."
The competition featured the Swedish Shooting Association's travel award from the Crown Prince. The 1943 National Shooting Competition was a massive undertaking, organized by leaders of the Swedish shooting movement. This event held special significance as it marked the 50th anniversary of the modern voluntary shooting movement, an occasion that could not go unnoticed. Appropriately, the celebration took place in Stockholm, the birthplace of the movement.
This charming poster is in excellent condition, with only minor dirt and discoloration from storage.