Kampen fortsætter for Frihed og Demokrati

Kampen fortsætter for Frihed og Demokrati original poster designed by Nielsen, Hugo
This is a genuine vintage poster titled "Kampen fortsætter for Frihed og Demokrati" designed by Nielsen, Hugo .
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Designer: Nielsen, Hugo
Country: Denmark
Decade: 1940
Dimensions:84.5 x 62 cm | 33.27 x 24.41 inches
Condition: Almost good | | B -
Publisher:Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti
Printed by:Dyva & Jeppesens Bogtrykkeri Aktieselskab København.
Category: Product / Other

This is an original vintage Danish political poster for *Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti* (The Communist Party of Denmark), created for the first elections in Denmark following the liberation from German occupation. During this time, Denmark's streets were filled with political slogans and campaign posters, reflecting the hopes and aspirations of a nation emerging from the war.

Designed by Hugo Nielsen, the poster features a pencil drawing an "X," accompanied by the slogan: *Kampen fortsætter for Frihed og Demokrati* (*The Fight Continues for Freedom and Democracy*), urging voters to mark their ballots for "Liste K."

Although the poster shows signs of wear, including fold marks and hole in a flod, it retains its vibrant colors and remains a compelling piece of post-war political history.

This is an Authentic Original Vintage Poster from its time. It's not a new reproduction.
USD$ 135

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