1972 Munich Olympics Gymnastics Floor Exercise A0

1972 Munich Olympics Gymnastics Floor Exercise A0 original poster designed by Aicher, Otl (1922-1991)
This is a genuine vintage poster titled "1972 Munich Olympics Gymnastics Floor Exercise A0" designed by Aicher, Otl (1922-1991).
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Designer: Aicher, Otl (1922-1991)
Country: Germany
Decade: 1970
Dimensions:119.0 x 84.0 cm | 46.8503937006 x 33.0708661416 inches
Condition: Excellent | | A -
Publisher:The Olympic Organizing Committee
Printed by:Gerber, München.
Category: Olympic

A great original vintage poster designed by Aicher for the 1972 Munich Olympics. The poster depicts a woman in one of the 5 women gymastics events, the Floor Exercise.

In 1966 Aicher was asked by the organizers of the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich to become the Olympic Games' lead designer. He was asked to create a design for the Olympics that complemented the architecture of the newly built stadium in Munich designed by Günther Behnisch.

Photo: Max Mühlberger

This is the large version never sold to the public. In excellent condition.

This is an Authentic Original Vintage Poster from its time. It's not a new reproduction.
USD$ 250

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