Svenska Brandskyddsföreningen - Hejda demonens framfart

Svenska Brandskyddsföreningen - Hejda demonens framfart original poster designed by Myrén, Paul (1884-1951)
This is a genuine vintage poster titled "Svenska Brandskyddsföreningen - Hejda demonens framfart" designed by Myrén, Paul (1884-1951).
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Designer: Myrén, Paul (1884-1951)
Country: Sweden
Decade: 1920
Dimensions:53 x 38 cm | 20.87 x 14.96 inches
Condition: Excellent | | A -
Publisher:Svenska Brandskyddsföreningen
Printed by:AB J. Nylunds Litogr. Anst. STHLM
Category: Product / Other

This original vintage poster, issued by "Svenska Brandskyddsföreningen" around 1925, is designed by Paul Myrén, a Swedish writer, animator, artist, and cartoonist.

The poster features a vivid illustration where a red "fire demon" is depicted, emphasizing the destructive power of fire. The Swedish Fire Protection Association uses this striking image to inform the public about the annual societal costs of fire damage.

The Swedish text reads: "Eldens demon mördar 50 människor och förstör för 40-50 milj. kr. årligen i Sverige. Hejda demonens framfart svenska brandskyddsföreningen."

The Fire Protection Association, still active today, works to create a fire-safe society through public education and information. Their goal is to reduce damage costs, with operations partially financed by insurance companies.

The poster is in excellent condition. Note the size.

This is an Authentic Original Vintage Poster from its time. It's not a new reproduction.
USD$ 165

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