Monark lättviktsmotorcykel strömlinjemodell

Monark lättviktsmotorcykel strömlinjemodell original poster
This is a genuine vintage poster titled "Monark lättviktsmotorcykel strömlinjemodell" designed by an anonymous artist.
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Country: Sweden
Decade: 1930
Dimensions:100 x 70 cm | 39.37 x 27.56 inches
Condition: Excellent | | A -
Publisher:Svenska Cykelfabriken Monark, Varberg
Printed by:J. Olséns Litografiska Anstalt, Sthlm
Category: Automobile/Vehicle

A wonderful original poster for the Monark 98cc,

The Swedish legend Monark bicycle history started in 1908 in Varberg, Sweden Monark's legendary founder Birger Svensson "The Poor Man That Became The Bicycle King" This motorcycle was manufactured by Monark in Varberg, Sweden in 1938 The model was simple named Monark 98cc.

In great condition.

ref. Kb

This is an Authentic Original Vintage Poster from its time. It's not a new reproduction.
USD$ 415

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