Designer: | Unknown |
Country: | Sweden |
Decade: | 1940 |
Year: | 1940 |
Dimensions: | 30 x 25 cm | 11.81 x 9.84 inches |
Condition: | Mint | | A |
Publisher: | Tungsram |
Printed by: | J. Olsén Litografiska Anstalt, STHLM |
Category: |
Product / Other |
A lovely small original vintage poster issued by Tungsram lighting bulbs.
Krypton lamps developed by Imre Bródy (Tungsram) and Michael Polányi (Berlin & Manchester). Lamps filled with krypton gas give clear, bright, sun-like light. Besides the lamps themselves, Bródy and Polányi developed
a method to extract the extremely rare krypton gas from the air. Tungsram built a factory with adjacent power plant to generate krypton gas just before WWII – an early example of what we would call an ecosystem.
This little poster has glue on its back showing it was meant to stick to something. Never used. In mint condition. Note the size.