Dramatiska Teaterns Turne Brott och Brott August Strindberg

Dramatiska Teaterns Turne Brott och Brott August Strindberg original poster designed by Skawonius, Sven Erik (1908-1981)
This is a genuine vintage poster titled "Dramatiska Teaterns Turne Brott och Brott August Strindberg" designed by Skawonius, Sven Erik (1908-1981).
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Designer: Skawonius, Sven Erik (1908-1981)
Country: Sweden
Decade: 1950
Dimensions:84.0 x 59.0 cm | 33.0708661416 x 23.2283464566 inches
Condition: Excellent | | A -
Publisher:Dramatiska Teatern
Printed by:J. Olsén Litografiska Anstalt, STHLM
Category: Film/Entertainment

This wonderful original Swedish theater poster, designed by Sven Erik Skawonius, a renowned Swedish designer, scenographer, craftsman, and book illustrator, advertises a 1950s tour by Dramatiska Teatern featuring Strindberg's 1899 comedy "Brott och Brott" ("Crime and Crime"). The play premiered at Dramaten on January 26, 1900.

The design features a blue background with a red door or opening, through which a couple can be seen dancing. The drawings use the white paper color for strokes and outlines, creating a striking contrast.

The poster is in excellent condition, with only a small, barely noticeable tear. The colors are fresh, and it has never been hung or used.

This is an Authentic Original Vintage Poster from its time. It's not a new reproduction.
USD$ 160

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