Eksjö Jubileumsutställning 1938

Eksjö Jubileumsutställning 1938 original poster designed by Lönn, David (1905 -1992)
This is a genuine vintage poster titled "Eksjö Jubileumsutställning 1938" designed by Lönn, David (1905 -1992).
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Designer: Lönn, David (1905 -1992)
Country: Sweden
Decade: 1930
Dimensions:100 x 70 cm | 39.37 x 27.56 inches
Condition: Very good | | B +
Printed by:J. Olséns Litografiska Anstalt, STHLM
Category: Fairs/Exhibitions

Presented here is a delightful and exceptionally rare vintage poster from 1938, which served as a promotional piece for the Eksjö 500th anniversary exhibition.

The poster showcases the artistic brilliance of David Lönn, capturing the picturesque Eksjö town and its centerpiece, the Eksjö church, beautifully situated at Stora Torget. The vibrant colors in shades of yellow and blue imbue the scene with warmth and charm.

In very good condition, this poster has been remarkably preserved, allowing viewers to appreciate not only its artistic appeal but also the historical significance it carries, commemorating Eksjö's remarkable 500-year journey.

This is an Authentic Original Vintage Poster from its time. It's not a new reproduction.
USD$ 475

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