Svenska Hem i ord och bilder

Svenska Hem i ord och bilder original poster designed by Beckman, Anders (1907-1967)
This is a genuine vintage poster titled "Svenska Hem i ord och bilder" designed by Beckman, Anders (1907-1967).
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Designer: Beckman, Anders (1907-1967)
Country: Sweden
Decade: 1950
Dimensions:90 x 60 cm | 35.43 x 23.62 inches
Condition: Mint | | A
Publisher:Svenska Hem
Printed by:J. Olsén Litografiska Anstalt, STHLM
Category: Product / Other

This original vintage poster, likely from the 1950s, serves to promote the Swedish illustrated monthly publication "Svenska Hem i ord och bilder" (Swedish Homes in Words and Pictures).

Designed by the esteemed Swedish master poster designer Anders Beckman, the poster features an architectural outline of a modern apartment, together with a Scandinavian-designed lounge chair and a vase of flowers. All depicted in shades of dark blue, orange, and yellow, capturing the aesthetic of the time perfectly.

Additionally, the poster includes the Swedish text: "INTERIÖRER TRÄDGÅRDAR NYTTOKONST OCH KONST en tidskrift om skönhet och trevnad" (Interiors, Gardens, Applied Art, and Art: A Magazine about Beauty and Comfort).

The poster is in excellent condition, ready to adorn any space with its timeless design.

This is an Authentic Original Vintage Poster from its time. It's not a new reproduction.
USD$ 385

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